Line of Nature

Line of Nature is a series of small sculptures and paintings that delve into the delicate dance between control and surrender in human’s relationship with the natural world. It explores the paradox of human existence — we are both architects of our surroundings and subjects to the unpredictable forces of nature.

The spirals and springs that recur in the series are symbols which echoes motion, cycles, and resilience. They embody the interconnected systems that rules our lives, birth and decay, action and reaction. These forms resonate with Nietzsche’s idea of eternal recurrence, suggesting that life is never linear, but a repetition and transformation.

Drawing inspiration from ecological philosophy and the idea that humanity is not separate from nature but deeply entwined within its flow. This manifests in my approach to materials: allowing them to guide me, embracing their imperfections, and responding to their inherent qualities. Each piece becomes a site of negotiation between the irrational and rational.